
Meet Mama Jennnifer, Apricot Jewellery

Mama Jennifer started silversmithing in 2009 as a hobby, having made jewellery for many years. Initially, it was an evening of ‘me time’ at college after the birth of her son. She’s been making keepsake and silver ever since, and have developed my own natural, rustic style of keepsakes and sterling silver, using recycled fine silver and eco silver where she can. Since the birth of her daughter in 2013, she decided to take the plunge and have given up life as a secondary school teacher to dedicate her full attention to Apricot.

me and loll

Tell us a little bit about you and your family

I’m Jen and I live in rural Warwickshire with my hubby Steve and my two little helpers Isaac (6) and Lois (nearly 2 but thinks she’s 5!). I’ve just finished working as a secondary school teacher after 10 years ‘at the chalkface’ teaching Geography so I can build a business around my family’s needs as they grow.


Tell us a little bit about your favourite products, is there anything particularly special to you?

My favourite product changes, I have to admit,  but I love the new rose & yellow  gold vermeil pieces. I have a bit of a ‘thing’ for rose gold at the moment! I love making keepsake charms and personalised items. They are just so treasured and precious (in fact, that’s where the name came from Apricot is from the Latin for ‘precious’).


What inspired you to get creative?

I’ve always been creative – enjoying art and photography at school, and I was permanently attached to pencils and paper as a child! I started making jewellery over 15 years ago – beaded items, and wedding tiaras. Later on I tried silversmithing at college and was addicted – it’s very therapeutic! I love nature and casting or making things inspired by the countryside around me and the coastline I’m from. Whenever I visit I’m to be found on the beach looking for shells to cast in silver.


Do you have any tips for managing the work / family life balance?

Now I’m going ‘full time’ with Apricot, I’m taking a leaf out of the teaching book and making a timetable of tasks to be completed on the days I’m working alone, and what I can achieve on the days I have the little ones with me. I might have bought myself a personalised planner….any excuse for gorgeous stationery!


How did you first start to sell your products?

I first started years ago making for friends and a local shop. With the silversmithing, I have been making and gaining skills for a few years now, but I first tried a craft fair or two, and fundraisers for local groups and schools.


What are your dreams for the future?

I would love to spot my pieces on people on the street – or even on someone on the television one day! That would be something!


Do you have any tips for anyone just starting out or learning a craft?

Do courses to learn as much as you can, and if there’s a guild or craft forum on your chosen avenue, join it. I’ve been incredibly lucky to find some excellent metalworking ones and I have learned so much from talking to other members, and made some friends along the way.


Take a look at Mama Jennifer’s shop here

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